Buk bilong Pikinini


Most schools in PNG have no libraries and no books to support the children’s education. You can choose to donate a reader, a picture book, a class set or a School Library Kit to support a school in need. 

The books/kits will be donated to schools already on our waiting list unless you would like to gift them to a specific school or community. (We will advise if we are able to assist with this.)

Please email donations@bukbilongpikinini.org if you have any questions with regards to your donation. We would be most happy to feature your donation on our social media pages – just send us a message. 

Please see all our titles and kits available below. Whether you can support us by donating one book, a class set of readers or a School Library Kit – it all goes to support our mission of increasing literacy rates and instilling a love of reading in the children of Papua New Guinea.

If you would like to purchase a book for personal use please email us and we will assist with getting it posted or delivered to you.

Buk Bilong Pikinini Library Kits